Team17 Demonstrates Solidarity with Project-X Game – Embracing Retro Faith

Team17 shows support for the new Project-X game – Retro Faith

Team17 shows support for the new Project-X game

It’s always great to see when publishers show support for fan projects. Team17 has done just that and the backing has helped the Project-X remake find the funding it needed to continue. We recently reported on the project’s crowdfunding campaign and at the time it still had some way to go to secure funding. But Team17 caught wind of the project and got in touch with developer MK Games to officially endorse the game.

With the might of Team17’s endorsement, the campaign has now reached its target and the funds have been raised to make sure the game will be finished. It will also mean there is an opportunity for it to have even more success should Team17 decide to formally publish it once it’s ready to launch. There are still a few days to go for anyone interested in backing the project.

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