We recently highlighted a game titled Manic Jet Set Willy, which is a combination of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy for the ZX Spectrum by Norman Sword. Now, another Jet Set Willy mashup has been announced. Thanks to Saberman for sharing the news on Facebook, Sloanysoft has released an exciting game update called Jet Set Steamboat Willie: Darkside of the ‘Toon’. There are some changes and a video below that provides more information.
Here’s the latest update: “New for Halloween 2024, ‘Darkside of the ‘Toon’ features a midnight palette, a more challenging gameplay, and a remixed soundtrack by Lee Bee. 2024 marks the entry of Steamboat Willie into the Public Domain and the 40th anniversary of Jet Set Willy. To celebrate, Sloanysoft has created a tribute to these classics for ZX Spectrum fans to enjoy.” Click here to download and play one of the most impressive Jet Set Willy clones for the ZX Spectrum!
Original article by www.indieretronews.com