
  • LooM CD


    Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight sky and the stars were bright and numerous, came the Age of the Great Guilds.
    Blacksmiths. Shepherds. Clerics. Each dedicated to the absolute control of secret knowledge.
    Another such Guild was the Weavers. Over the centuries, their craft transcended the limits of physical cloth, until they wove the very fabric of reality itself. Now, a strange power has swept the Weavers into oblivion, leaving behind one Weaver boy to unravel the mystery. Help young Bobbin rescue his Guild…and you just might save the universe from an unspeakable catastrophe.

  • Loom CD case


    Long after the passing of the Second Shadow, when dragons ruled the twilight sky and the stars were bright and numerous, came the Age of the Great Guilds.
    Blacksmiths. Shepherds. Clerics. Each dedicated to the absolute control of secret knowledge.
    Another such Guild was the Weavers. Over the centuries, their craft transcended the limits of physical cloth, until they wove the very fabric of reality itself. Now, a strange power has swept the Weavers into oblivion, leaving behind one Weaver boy to unravel the mystery. Help young Bobbin rescue his Guild…and you just might save the universe from an unspeakable catastrophe.

  • Police Quest: SWAT 2 Big Box DUTCH



    Choose from 100 SWAT officers or 100 terrorists and build the ultimate SWAT team or the deadliest terrorist organization. Undergo actual SWAT tactics and marksmanship training – then strap on the Kevlar for real where adversaries pursue their criminal agenda while reacting to your every move.

  • Privateer 2: The Darkening


    You regain consciousness and the unfamiliar faces surrounding you inform you that you’ve lost your ship in an unfortunate accident. The cutthroat world of the Tri-System privateers greets you with a clenched fist and a knife pointed at your back. Your only order of business is survival. You’ve got just enough credits to afford something resembling a new ship. It takes more than just a bucket of bolts to make it in this world; you’ll need upgrades, and most important of all: money. The sector is brimming with “business” opportunities, but who can you trust? Legal or not, it’s time to trade, travel, and battle your way through a place where high risk equals high reward and only those with the brass reap the rewards.

    Privateer 2: The Darkening is the premier open universe space trading and combat sim. Blaze your own path through the Tri-System by either hook or crook. Take any mission you see fit, without rules or restrictions. Corner the market as you work out trade routes with the most reward. The universe is waiting for you, Privateer.

  • RollerCoaster Tycoon – PC CDROM

    The premise of the game is to complete a series of preset scenarios by successfully building and maintaining amusement parks through business ownership as a theme park entrepreneur. The key to any park is building a large amount and diverse range of rides for the visitors. Players can choose from dozens of roller coaster types and can also build log flumes, carousels, bumper cars, haunted houses, go karts, ferris wheels, and swinging ships, among other rides. The intensity and type of rides must be balanced, as visitors’ preferences vary significantly from person to person. For example, some guests prefer exciting rides and have high nausea tolerance levels, while other guests are just the opposite.

  • RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 – PC CROM

    Stretch your imagination further to build bigger parks and higher coasters! Break ground and start from scratch, open the gates to a remarkable Six Flags park, or just create the most gut-wrenching roller coaster imaginable – now you can play your way! Choose and complete different scenarios accordingly to the experience and content you like. Satisfy the visitors by building various attractions and facilities.Wild new rides, exciting new themes, and improved easy-to-use building tools make creating the ultimate amusement park more fun than ever!

  • SIMS 3 – Buitenleven Accessoires DUTCH

    Outdoor Living Stuff is the third stuff pack for The Sims 3.
    For the first time ever, your Sims can get the best in outdoor luxury for their homes in The Sims 3 Outdoor Living.
    Whether they’re decorating the perfect patio, setting the mood with a cool new hot tub, or firing up a state-of-the-art grill for the ultimate BBQ, your Sims’ outdoor decor is getting a boost.
    Give your Sims everything they need for a stylish and comfortable outdoor living space with The Sims 3 Outdoor Living.

  • Terminal Velocity Jewel Case

    • Jewel Case
    • Dutch Version


    Terminal Velocity is a simulation video game developed by Terminal Reality and published by 3D Realms for MS-DOS and Windows 95 and MacSoft for Mac OS. It is an arcade-style flight combat game, with simpler game controls and physics than flight simulators. It is known for its fast, high-energy action sequences, compared to flight simulators of the time.

    Terminal Reality also developed a similar game, Fury3, published that same year by Microsoft. It used the same game engine (Photex + Terrain Engine 1) and basic game mechanics, but was designed to run natively on the new Windows 95 operating system. Though considered to add little to the gameplay of Terminal Velocity,[1] Fury3 spawned an add-on pack, F!Zone, as well as a sequel, Hellbender.

    The player can fly at low speeds without falling. The player’s craft also has no inertia, meaning its course can be changed instantly. There are seven different weapons, ranging from guns, blasters and rockets to homing missiles and a rare secret weapon, and only the first blaster type will never run out of ammo. Additionally, it possesses powerful afterburners that allow it to move at very high speed, which is useful in order to evade attacks, but sacrifices the ability to return fire temporarily (they can be selected like weapons, and if they are, the fire button will ignite the afterburners). The craft is able to survive some hits, and even some collisions with the terrain, including tunnels.

    Each of the 27 missions consists of several objectives, e.g. enemies which must be destroyed, tunnel entrances and exits, mere checkpoints, and an extraction point.

  • The Sims 3 – PC CD-rom

    Create over a million unique Sims and control their lives. Customize everything from their appearances, to their personalities and even the home of their dreams. Then, send your Sims out to explore new locations around town and to meet other Sims in the neighborhood. With all-new quick challenges and rewarding game play, The Sims 3 gives you the freedom to choose whether (or not!) to fulfill your Sims’ destinies and make their wishes come true.

  • V-Rally


    Get ready to take on the challenges of rallies, rallycross, drifts, buggies and hill climbs, and set off on a spectacular journey across continents. At the wheel of the most legendary off-road vehicles in each category, you’ll have to be prepared to take on the most difficult routes in astonishing surroundings.
    Over 50 car models will be featured, including the most famous in rallying and extreme motor sport. Ready for you to test drive, collect, upgrade, customize, and above all excel at!
    As no trip is worth anything unless it is shared, V-Rally 4 will feature a career mode and an innovative online mode.

  • Viva Pinata and Forza Motorsport 2 XBOX 360 Bundle


    Attract and tame your favourite Piñatas. There are more than 60 species that roam wild on Piñata Island. Personalise everything from the grass at your feet to the hat on your Piñata’s head. Welcome to Piñata Island, enjoy your stay!

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